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Before diving into the NSFW Senpai website on, please take a moment to read this disclaimer carefully.

Content Warning

NSFW Senpai features explicit adult content that is strictly for users aged 18 and over. This includes images, videos, text, and graphics that some may find offensive or inappropriate. If you’re under 18 or if adult content isn’t your thing, please exit the site now.

Age Requirement

By accessing NSFW Senpai, you confirm that you are at least 18 years old and legally allowed to view adult content in your area. It’s up to you to ensure you’re following all relevant laws regarding access to adult materials.

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Our advertisement is not endorsed or sponsored by Meta or Google. We comply with all applicable data privacy regulations, including those of Meta and Google, regarding the collection and use of user data for advertising purposes.

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Your use of NSFW Senpai is governed by our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. These documents cover all aspects of your access to and use of the site, including content, features, and services. By using our site, you agree to these terms and confirm you’ve read and understood our policies. Make sure you check them out before proceeding.

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By entering NSFW Senpai, you acknowledge that you’ve read this disclaimer, along with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. You agree to follow the rules laid out in these documents. You also understand that all content is provided “as is” and “as available,” and NSFW Senpai isn’t responsible for any issues that might arise from using the site.

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NSFW Senpai won’t be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages related to your use of the site. This includes, but isn’t limited to, data loss, profit loss, or business interruptions, even if we’ve been informed of potential issues.

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We reserve the right to update or change this disclaimer at any time. Any modifications will be posted here, and your continued use of NSFW Senpai means you accept those changes.

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Last updated: September 2024